1. $75.00 Service fee .
2.$50.00 Chamber of Commerce certification fee. {25.00}for C/O and {25.00}for C/I .
3.$30.00 Embassy of UAE fee to legalize the certificate of origin (C/O)
4.Depending on the total dollar amount of the invoice, the legalization charge for the commercial invoice (C/I) of the Oman embassy is :
From $1          to   $2,702 $30
From $2,703   to  $8,108 $60
From $8,109  to $16,216 $120
From $16,217  to $24,324 $180
From $24,325  to $40,540 $240
From $40,541  to $67,567 $300
From $67,568  to $135,135 $390
From $135,136  to $270,270 $450
From $270,271  and $540,540 $600
From $540,541 and Above : 0.2% of Invoice Amount